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Fin sång från Tracy Chapman

Across the Lines

Across the lines, who would dare to go
Under the bridge, over the tracks
That seperates whites from blacks
Choose sides or run for your lifes, tonight the riots begin

On the back streets of America
They kill the dream of America

Little black girl gets assaulted, ain't no reason why
Newspaper prints the story, and racist tempers fly
Next day it starts a riot, knives and guns are drawn
Two black boys get killed, one white boy goes blind

Across the lines, who would dare to go
Under the bridge, over the tracks
That seperates whites from blacks
Choose sides or run for your lifes, tonight the riots begin

On the back streets of America
They kill the dream of America

Little black girl gets assaulted, don't no one know her name
Lots of people hurt and angry, she's the one to blame

Across the lines, who would dare to go
Under the bridge, over the tracks
That seperates whites from blacks
Choose sides or run for your lifes, tonight the riots begin

On the back streets of America
They kill the dream of America

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Litet-hjärta
Läst 198 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-03 15:11

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