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Our fight

The first blow doesn't hurt that much
It's nothing I'm not used to
My guard is still up so the second one I can duck away from, I'm not yet in your clutch
But by the third it's starting to sting
And by the fourth, fifth and sixth blow I'm no longer the king in the ring
Seven, I can feel the blood in my mouth, a chopper taste
Eight, I can feel my head spinning
Nine and ten and I'm no longer at my feet, got to start throwing something back, no time to waste
But words are poisonous as they well through your mouth
I can not understand why or how we ended up here
Sometimes it feels like you don't even care
Some things tear and some things can't be unsaid
How long have I bled cause all I see now is red
And It's green, the poison that you just vomited out on the floor, due to my unwilling punch back, I had to stop your attack
Mixed together on the floor the colours are getting a dirty brown look, your filthy vindication, frustration and abomination
You knew you were going to win from the start
K.O, you broke my heart

Fri vers (Fri form) av MimmiP
Läst 156 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-07 00:57

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