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Do you know how it feels when you smile at me?
It feels like the best day of summer, when the sun is shining bright with a cool breeze sweeping through my hair, giving me goosebumps. It feels like a thousand butterflies are flying in my stomach, making me want to laugh out loud. It feels like my legs get restless, I could run through town without ever getting tired. It feels like I can't stop smiling back and my heart skipping a beat.
Do you know how it feels when you hurt me?
It feels like a million stabs with a knife through my heart, leaving me breathless.
Please try to smile more than you speak cause I need you to be the one that get me up when I fall not the one who pushes me further down.

Fri vers (Fri form) av MimmiP
Läst 165 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-07 01:18

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