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Take me back

In a now where city,
In a hotel with no address,
and the rain keeps falling outside.
No one takes the pity
And no one cares less
When in Forgot-him city I hide.
When I order a taxi to take me to nowhere,
-Where to go? the tired cab driver asks.
From the backseat replying: -Please go slower.
-Give me time and I remember the task.

Then I remembered where I wanted to go

Take me back, take me back to the place where I belong.
Take me back, take me back to the crossing I went wrong.
Take me back, take me back. I'm tired of wandering a stray.
Take me back, take me back where some value remain.
Take me back, take me back when leave me let me just stay.

And the cab driver answers: -I have tried once before,
but how to get there I sure couldn't tell.
-The exit so tiny it's easy to ignore.
-It's placed between heaven an hell.
-And if you travel to far its only one direction
-And no rescue can be found from there
-Eternity travel without resurrection,
and for eternity paying cab drivers fare.

I listened but repeated my goal


I persisted to go there and the driver agreed,
but he told me I was looking in vain,
and really to go there no rush you need,
when you travel down the memory lane.
Enjoying the trip because you will be paying,
so you might as well enjoy every scene.
-So sit down and relax, you hear just what I'm saying!
-So enjoy, you know just what I mean.

-I will be trying to get where you want.

I'll take you back, take you back to the place where you belong.
I'll take you back, take you back to the crossing you went wrong.
I'll take me back, take you back. You're tired of wandering a stray.
I'll take me back, take you back where some value remain.
Take me back take me back when leave you let you just stay.

Bunden vers (Rim) av Knickedick VIP
Läst 275 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-14 10:27

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Knickedick VIP