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hm... vad vet vi, ibland?

Life guardian


I like the statue of Christ in Rio.

The light of redemption.

The voice from abyss of our cognitive horizon.


We humans came through so much.

We weathered bad things that history could throw at us.

**and now, we're facing the worst**


Why we still after thousands and thousands of years are not loosing habit of wars?

Is it in our blood like bad disease?


Physically are we maybe only :

"a meat, carbon - based - processing - system"?

but, what about our souls?


We made some collective mistakes as a species

but we have collective memory.

We can gather in time of danger because we are more then machines.


The birth and life are so exciting!!

Birth and death are frame of life and give it shape.

**all what is outside the frame is chaos?**

Even in a dark night we can feel the spectrum of hope.


Because our civilization is traveling too fast even we can slow down.

Can we?



I like look across the water

the ocean.


Think, everybody can do any good.


Imagine, we have a purpose of life ;)

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 390 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-01-15 15:52

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