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”Nature cares only that you reproduce,… get some kids! After you’ve done it, get out of the way ;)”

Strands of Mind (poem One)


We’re making a new world

ever day and every night.

What the evolution wants to allow us…?

- I’m only curious…


A few billion years ago

something happened to human DNA

and now

we’re the only monkey on this blue planet

who can read its own DNA.


Many of us like to read famous books

of famous philosophers and poets

even a few of them were evil people…O!

and filled our culture with very, very bad ideas.


You know

(It’s not a contradiction)

I dream, sometimes, about a time when peoples highest wish

will be

to sit down and quietly contemplate Life

not chasing money and hunting each other all the time.


Maybe we need to learn to live with our biosphere,

not trash it


Our biosphere is NOT a smorgasbord

there you can pick and choose for ever, ha?


Who wants to live for ever in the middle of his/her time?

…Ha ha I do, actually ;)


I know we all fear the terrible gulf of separation

as much in time as in space.


If we should know more

about hidden line between the infinity and strands of our mind^¨¨¨¨¨

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 573 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-02 22:29

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