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”Never lose sight of reality. **The individual human life span is brief** Life is only handful quantity of hours, they are a gift!** Be always compassionate**”



If Tolstoy were alive today

he would write not

“War and Peace”


“War and War and more War”

I think ****


O, I know

it is quite pessimistic.



We dream so often

about an amazing world to live in

* “everybody live in a beautiful house

where there is a party every night,

all women are stunning

every man is noble and handsome”


We want to forget

polluted air

radioactive Pacific

constantly war somewhere

greed running over ethic and compassion

non symmetrical wealth distribution.


WE all have old habits

old hatreds

old perspectives.


Our schools not teach well,

indoctrinate too often.


Communications technology

can lead easily

to enslavement and alienation.


O, I know I’m to pessimistic.


Will our civilization decline

because of technology

which is outrunning the good sense?


No, I hope not.


How can our society be happier ? :)

and people instead of rushing through life

choose simplicity

and an empathetic way of life.



Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 364 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-22 03:04

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