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*Now comes love poems*

Honey I'm calling.




Honey I'm calling.

 It’s cold outside and I'm burning with love,

May I get inside, to put my head on your warm pillow?



In your warm arms to your juice boobs?

In the cool times, you get heat!


Of young men who are homeless and between, States washer.


“Fi” No woman will sharpen sight like a heavenly traffic of


-                          On ministry level she is only mistress…


For Christ's mother the symbol of democracy daughter!

We shall see who sucks of Sweden, after grassland to autumn!


I heard astray, the people are preparing for strong resistance.


And avoid is possible any whole location in Stockholm!

The small “Värta” and large one have not geographical points for the rest, and it is much more than so?


Revenge groups both for the variety that is racist by ignorance and people hostile opponents.


But also a strategic offensive on the media level who want to take back Losses properties and television and radio stations in Stockholm.


But it is just fairy tales from back coffee and marsh fire place.

  In Sweden never happens anything dangerous, never.

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Läst 289 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-06-23 14:28

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Fint diktat!
Vi får väl hoppas att inget farligt händer i Sverige, men man vet aldrig....
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Jeflea Norma, Diana.
Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP