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Detta är en text om hur man lurar och flyr från sig själv och att man i sin jakt efter lycka tar till destruktiva medel som bara förstör.

White powder

White is such an innocent colour.
Angels flying in the sky with solid beautiful wings.

How can they look so free and pure from down here?
Free from all pain and sorrow?

Inside, I'm an empty bottle,
need to be filled with something called love.

Thank you for the rush of joy that runs through my veins.
My body fills with happiness, even if it's fake.

Everytime we meet I'm alive,
and only death can tear as apart.


Please don't leave me all alone,
I need you in my system so I can breath.

Oh, dear darling - Where have you been all my life?

White, white - what an innocent colour,
and I'm in love.

Death flows inside me like a silent hurricane,
Mr D is the enemy without my knowledge.

Eternal sunshine on a beautiful day?
No, you fooled me right into death.

Rest in piece, they say.
White is not an innocent colour, after all.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Redsunlight
Läst 142 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-08-30 13:33

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