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Just wanted you as my best friend ever. But you were not allowed to be best friend with a man due to your religion. And you didn't want my friendship. You wanted me to convert, change religion" so you could marry me the Iranian way for 99 days and get a m

All I wanted was not a night with you

All I wanted was a day with you

Time was I thought I'd lost my daughter
Truth was back then was that they said I'm a bad father
Just because I didn't like my wife
Nothing came out right during all these sessions
Meanwhile I found Someone I really liked

All I wanted was a day with you
All I wanted is a night without you
All I wanted was to never become a Muslim

Just wrapped up on our own
In my broken world you did voodoo to
You put a spell on me by your nice talking
What's worse - This curse made a fool of me

Yes, you always hugged me at least 15 minutes
Yes, you always likes to sit in my knee, you didn't even have time to pee
But you yelled after me when I went out to take a walk alone
One morning you tried to give me the perfect breakfast
And I replied: "Do you really have to decide everything, am I your slave?"
All I wanted was a day with you
All I wanted is a night without you
All I wanted was to never become a Muslim

It hurt so bad when I talked to you so I wrote in your diary instead
I tried so hard to getaway getaway getaway from one wife
Just to be married to you by a phone call to Iran

God knows this is the truth:
All I wanted was a day with you
All I wanted is a night without you
All I wanted was to never become a Muslim

Fri vers av Sanmare
Läst 123 gånger
Publicerad 2014-10-29 12:17

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