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There's beauty in the decay


There's beauty in the decay

there's beauty in what's been

There's a charm in the faded

you might not yet have seen

There's splendour in the dirt

in the mud 

in the one

you once loved

in that old jersey skirt

you casually threw out 

They all helped you see things

you never knew

They made your path

and they made you

They sowed new seeds

in all their deeds

and birthed

a new

and better


Fri vers av Sanna Forsman
Läst 193 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2015-01-05 08:06

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  S.A.I. Steve Lando VIP
vackerhet finns varomkring oss, fint samt sant

  Lars Hedlin
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Sanna Forsman