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It hurts me so bad
when I hear the harsh cry
It aches me to be sad
almost makes me mad to forget
but forget you is what I need
move on to a new dawn

in the horizon I can actually see the dawn
but how to reach it when moving on feels bad
thus it goes when my heart says it’s you I need
can’t stand it, don’t want to wake up and cry
how can I accept that I need to forget
when the thought makes me so sad

when something makes you sad
wouldn’t it be wrong to wish for a new dawn
No, I don’t want to forget
it feels much too bad
now I just start to cry
I don’t really know what I need

want to say it’s you I need
but in truth I realise it’s just sad
for you I shouldn’t cry
I should reach for the new dawn
Maybe it doesn’t have to be so bad
maybe I can learn to forget

at the end I have to forget
Because that is really what I need
if I want to be happy and not feel bad
neither should I have to feel sad
I start to realise I’m ready for a new dawn
time for no more cry

there will come a day when I cry
out loud of happiness because I learned to forget
and forget I did and saw a new dawn
yes, now I know what I need
I am a man who feels no more sad
what happened don’t need to think it was bad

cry not for good memories, ‘cause them you need
forget only to be sad
had a good time and now ready for the new dawn, don’t feel bad

Bunden vers (Annat versmått) av Nikorado
Läst 103 gånger
Publicerad 2015-04-26 12:20

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