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James - audio

”The City of Strangers”

 *  *  *

Most life survives by simplicity,
lying dormant and hidden
in the shadow of time –
until the proper conditions return.

Humanity has got its chance, ones
when our ancestors crawled up
from warm ocean onto green land.

Now we’re on the top of the food chain.
We are so many now.

Among these humans there are a few,
who look and feel like Don Quixote –
on diet.. ?, o yes -
mentally too…
They dream about a better world,
for everyone,
but they are too romantic …  :)
I´M .. so what?

I’ve lived so long time,
my mind and consciousness are so old,
so tired,
a million of years –at least it feels so ?

I can see your face and I can feel your soul
dancing among a hundreds of mirrors,
in the circle of blue light -
in a room of enigmatic time,
a room without any entrance.

You know,
here is a few flowers, take them
and give them to the wind.
Storm is coming,
night is about to fall,
not darkness but gray shadows,

What is our dream about a new Earth,
a new beginning?
I see you, meanwhile,
watching your face, your eyes,
it feels like a dance with the silver moon
and smiling stars ,?
my dear exotic, meadow elf.

Hm.. twilight is now gathering,
what about our civilization?

Empty streets,
lonely buses and trains,
people watching theirs Iphones and Androids
in a mist of serenity.

Some of us are waiting for -
mysterious angels from the high sky.
they will not come to us,
they’re already here,
sleeping in your heart.

Freedom loves us,
but only those,
who are willing to fight and die for it...

- they will be always free.

O.. it is so easy to say,

Fri vers (Fri form) av ERD-man-SKY VIP
Läst 616 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2016-02-16 00:06

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