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Scandinavian traveler

O Scandinavian traveler where do you go from now?
Don’t you miss night’s whit a sun, what leads you in your voyage to undying lands
Don’t you miss days whit a moon, when road light is ablazing on frozen river?

O Scandinavian traveler where do you go from now?
Don’t you miss moon as sorrow healer when you’re close to emotional dying.
Don’t you miss landscapes, lakes and fields of sorrow, when you’re awake.

O Scandinavian traveler where do you go from now?
When you can’t find a crew what will row your dragonship
All are grown up now, nobody lives in your kind a fantasies.

O Scandinavian traveler where do you go from now?
There are no ravens black, so mighty as Lapland’s solitude.
There are no rivers colds, what makes you wander about questions of our existence.

O Scandinavian traveler where do you go from now?
You’re gone, long from home, are you ready to be taken by fake idols?
You’re gone, long from home, do you know it’s hard to come home, after long years in the journey.

O Scandinavian traveler where do you go from now?
Did you know there always will be people who follow old ways
Did you know you can tell them if they listen to howls of the wind.

O Scandinavian traveler where do you go from now?
If you need face a fight, stand tall, take ‘em whit Ulbert(Sword Of The Chosen Warrior)
As single you are, you will be, it’s a way of philosophical warrior.

O Scandinavian traveler where do you go from now?
Please come home now, you understand what true winter means to us
Please come home now, you understand what real summer gives to us
Please come home, you know how to ask to dance falling autumn leaves
Please come home now, your tears can awake spring

Prosa av Duncan McDonnel
Läst 253 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-07-16 23:17

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Duncan McDonnel