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With a warmth felt in the heart

With a warmth felt in the heart

As we walk our path of life
We meet people everyday
Most are simply met by chanse
But some are sent our way

These become special friends
Whos bond we can´t explain;
The ones who understand us
And share our joy och pain

Their love contains no boundaries
So even we are apart
Their prescence enchances us
With a warmth felt in the heart

As we walk our path of life
We meet people everyday
Most are simply met by chanse
But some are sent our way

These become..


s we walk our path of life
We meet people everyday
Most are simply met by chanse
But some are sent our way

Their love..

As we walk our path of life

Bo Grapenskog

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Knoparemoj
Läst 217 gånger
Publicerad 2016-11-23 19:29

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