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Emotional Blackmail 3

Emotional blackmail
is set at number 3
wordcraft is on a 75% sale
resurrecting the dead
is what I need to get ahead
they say it's all a question
of making your own bed
maybe tomorrow's news
will be a headline of a tale
composed by messengers
who could be deceived by their own e-mails
what could be the secret so
I can take the lead instead of being led
or is it just a drama that's playing in my head
contentious characters act out
on a stage filled with satire
directed by what someone else said
gang leaders will want me to cave
eventually all information will be made available
astronauts and vegetetarians
are looking in the clouds for a life that's stable
poker hands will decorate the table
karma's a bitch

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 206 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2018-01-18 09:01

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  Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
Känslomässig utpressning, det är typ Nigeria brev eller Kristi återfödelse eller poetiska dejting mot betalning ”kärleksbrev” En kvinna fick en avskuret svart lem i brevlåda utan kuvert Sverige har mycket problem, den stora kriget börjar och vi vet inte ännu vem är det som krigar med oss?

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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP