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Done and undone, said and unsaid

There are things that
Should have been done
Like things that
Should have been undone

There are things that
Should have been said
Like things that should
Have been unsaid

But at the time
The right word was found too late
Or no words were said
Or nothing was done

Reemerging glimpses
In life’s rear mirror
Annoying moments
Are repeated

Shortcomings with
Frustration, discomfort and torment
Getting worse by
Years of experience

Can the history be revised
And the misconduct
A pipe dream for
The lumber room

Things remain the same
It is like it is when
Not as it should have been
Waiting for the next frustration

Fri vers av Gunnar Barkenhammar
Läst 179 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-06-04 18:49

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Gunnar Barkenhammar
Gunnar Barkenhammar