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Engelsk version av “ en becember natt i gatlyktornas sken”

One December Night

I looked up to the sky and closed my eyes. While being unable to see, the more I could feel, the touch of every single snowflake landing on my face and slowly melting away. Making small drops of cold water on my skin. When she loosened her grip of my arm, the cold winter air took the place of her warm presence. I slowly opened my eyes to look where she had gone. A few steps away from me, she stood with her arms stretched out like a cross and looked up at the stars. She took a couple of fast light steps away and that was the beginning of her dance. She almost looked weightless, like a fairy barely touching the ground, as she swept forward and around with her own made up moves. The snow lifted from the ground when she spun and her coat flew and twisted around her, making the illusion of her floating even stronger. The calming feeling she always brought me got inviolable as I watched her sweep through the upset snow. Suddenly, she stopped and turned towards me. Her face broke into an enchanting smile.
I did not understand how someone that made me so happy, could also make me so miserable.
I felt a single tear roll down my cheek, as I for the first time realized that this, would come to an end. One way or the other. And nobody could change that. Not even her.
She walked towards me, embraced me and pressed her head against my chest. I squeezed her back, almost like a pathetic attempt to keep her close to me forever. I never wanted to let go of her, breathing in her sweet scent and feeling her warmth through my whole body. I could have stayed like that for an eternity. Everything was still and quiet. There was only us, nothing else existed. In this moment there was only the two of us. While more tears rolled down my face I whispered to her, “I love you”.

Fri vers av Pyret24
Läst 95 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-10-29 22:15

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