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Kombinatorik är framtidens starkaste matematik

(quoted from wikipedia)

The issue of "depth"
In the first half of the twentieth century, some mathematicians felt that there exists a hierarchy of techniques in mathematics, and that the prime number theorem is a "deep" theorem, whose proof requires complex analysis. Methods with only real variables were supposed to be inadequate. G. H. Hardy was one notable member of this group.

The formulation of this belief was somewhat shaken by a proof of the prime number theorem based on Wiener's tauberian theorem, though this could be circumvented by awarding Wiener's theorem "depth" itself equivalent to the complex methods. However, Paul Erdõs and Atle Selberg found a so-called "elementary" proof of the prime number theorem in 1949, which uses only number-theoretic means. The Selberg-Erdõs work effectively laid rest to the whole concept of "depth", showing that technically "elementary" methods (in other words combinatorics) were sharper than previously expected. Subsequent development of sieve methods showed they had a definite role in prime number theory.

Avigad et al. (2005) contains a computer verified version of this elementary proof in the Isabelle theorem prover.

Fri vers av PolyMathWolverine
Läst 299 gånger
Publicerad 2006-07-22 13:50

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Hey min vän det här var starkt tänkt

och när du sätter det i sammband

med musik så uppstår musik!!!

You are a wonderful writer!!!

I read always your poems and

words, but I am bad to write

comments but this time I couldent

resist!!! So Well Done my brother!!!

and a big WOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!

Mvh och sincerely Dan!!!

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