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I was the Chaos of the heart that no one forgets
I remember the night of darkness with sorrow
I heard the fairy with the most beautiful and innocent voice
I worried and feared that the lightning flash would break me into pieces
I thought I could take the calmness of lightning from you
But, I want to change

I am the sexy moon with thousands of red roses
I thank you for watching my beautiful naked dance
I need to shine like heaven and stars
I try thousands of different roses with beautiful eyes, shining like a dark blue sky
I forgive when I was in the chaos of the heart
Now I can change

I will be the light of the darkness
I choose my path with my hand
I dream of being the sexy moon with thousands of red roses
I hope I can fulfill my dreams with you
I predict that you and I will be dancing naked in the future with thousands of red roses
I know it will happen if I want to, my love with a thousand red roses
I will change

Fri vers (Fri form) av Yasmina Rahmatullah
Läst 63 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2022-04-07 14:15

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Yasmina Rahmatullah