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Dear change


You will not be the same you tomorrow as today. The world that you think is independent "out there", changes when you do, as you are the perceiver.
This constant change gives us life experiences that we learn from. It also, due to the "constant" of ever change, puts us up for new challenges every day that we can suffer from, by having a narrative about ourselves and the world, of an underlying unfairness behind the suffering.
Or we can grow from it. Life = change. Change requires a constant update on your part, if interested in seeking an understanding from both the experiential domain and the abstract theory/model that describes the most likely scenario, in our view.
This suggests that Change = learning (or adapting to the change, in less sentient beings than ourselves). Life = Change. Change = learning/adopting. Life = Learning. I, for one, find this a pleasing conclusion, so biases might have sneaked in somewhere in the reasoning.
Point the out if you see them, please.


Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av PFJS
Läst 42 gånger
Publicerad 2023-04-20 09:57

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