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Scratching at life, pulling up from the ledge
Falling apart, one leg over the edge
As time passes by you continue to pledge
Behind you are whispers, accuse and allege

Running away from all you have known
With each shared emotion, you try to atone
As hard as you try, from your lips falls a groan
In shambles, in pieces, laying your throne

Flying above, not a care on your mind
Passage of time makes you more intertwined
Pulling you up, you are quite well aligned
Soaring on forward, powers combined

Senseless devotion, no tears at the seams
Crazy obsession, one of the themes
One or the other, sharing your dreams
Together you stand, against all extremes

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av HadesAtStyx
Läst 66 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-06-19 13:35

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