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Making plans, constructing time
The lie that is told, beautifully sublime
At present, so beyond your prime
Moving slowly as if through slime

One piece at a time, building ahead
Step forward carefully, watch where you tread
As the cards start collapsing, wish you had fled
Weighing all options, what could’ve been instead

Sinking way down, no voice to pronounce
Darkness at bay, eager for the pounce
Everything that was, a world to renounce
Will this be the end, how can you bounce

Floating in space, feathery and frail
Measuring against a soul on the scale
Just another test destined to fail
Forever aimlessly roaming the veil

Coming to, spread so thin
Feeling all wrong, not quite in your skin
Life so chaotic, dripping with sin
Looking around in search of your kin

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av HadesAtStyx
Läst 62 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2023-06-24 12:30

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