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groovin' in the groove

Since when did the 60’s get out of style
Won’t you stay here a while
While we smoke a fat joint
And you will see the point
Of smoking a bowl
No you are not getting too old
But I have given up on Neil Youngs Heart of Gold

It is too idealistic
Do you see what reality is
Let’s do some crystal meth
Just joking I just put you to the test
Hardcore stuff ain’t my stuff
And you say our love isn’t enough?

Isn’t it a groovy kind of love
That Simon & Garfunkel sing about
I don’t know I would have a doubt
I think that joint is getting to you
Or was it the bongs that blew
our minds
to a mankind unkind
And how long do you want to write
Some say it is self-therapeutic
I can’t tell you what the truth is
Because I love you
And that is all that matters
Aren’t we two
All that junk food is making us fatter

So what is up with the ‘’drug lush beteende’’
What you don’t trust my anseende
I want to fuck you till I get stoned
We will find our way home
And is this just a way to escape reality
The bong hits are making me hazy
The philosophy is buzzing in my mind nicely
And aren’t you waiting for a timely
Moment that I say I do
Ah shit let’s get some more food
groovin’ in the groove

Bunden vers (Rim) av Page Goldenboy VIP
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Publicerad 2024-05-02 09:31

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