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I dressed myself in dreams

I dressed myself in dreams
life isn't always as it seems
laid myself in the grass
watching to see what will pass

the sky sauntered down in rainbows
the moon rose in the shadows
just like in a mystery in a hazy mystery

I rose up and knew you had me tamed
I knew I'd never be the same
And I feel I'm going quite insane
It's on your heart I will stake a claim

I dressed myself in dreams
life isn't always as it seems
laid myself in the grass
watching to see what will pass

the sky sauntered down in rainbows
the moon rose in the shadows
just like in a mystery
in a lazy mystery

I rose up and knew you had me tamed
I knew I'd never really be the same
And I feel I'm going quite insane
on your heart I'd like to stake a claim

I dressed myself in dreams
dressed myself in dreams

got to mend these broken jeans
life isn't always as it seems
meanwhile I dress myself in dreams
dress myself in dreams..
I dress myself in dreams...

the apache kid

Fri vers av the apache kid VIP
Läst 82 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2024-06-04 21:20

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the apache kid
the apache kid VIP