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Without eyelet buttons

And at the end this everything be gone.
All money, all the statuses, all cars,
All wars with all the bombs and guns,
All vanity and fame and valley of the stars,
All neverended story of success,
All those up and down bumpy roads,
All filthy dreams of fairytale sex,
The dreams divine - emotion's overload.
That everything will passed at once.
What thruly matter won't be there left.
We, everyone, had equal life and chance,
But only few will pass the simple test.
And at the end, when everything be gone, -
"Without eyelet buttons crashed onto the floor" -
No use of these, no purpose, no fun,
No beauty, no memory of what was done.
...No dreams exist what could be worth living for.


Bunden vers (Sonett) av Julianna Strandberg VIP
Läst 22 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-07-13 13:27

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Julianna Strandberg
Julianna Strandberg VIP