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The Sunny Clime

The Sunny Clime


Skin to skin

I feel like Ive known you

before my poems where poems

Im so happy to be free

You hold yourself near me, always

You fill me whith abundance

We are in this, in half, in whole

I touch your beutiful face,

its utter joy in a foggy dream

And love pours all over me

I smile, im at ease, its such a release

How much can i cling to these collars

collars of comfort of yours, for me?

But there you are, asuring me

everyday whith yours as ours,

for minutes, hours and days

You under the counter makes me sigh

On the latter i get high

Breath of desire and love pouring

all over us again and again

Destination you said

Are you my faith

These long walks

I hear trees speak,

stones talk and our spoken

word never has  an end

The dimensions of the travel in me

Your voice sooths me,

so i see

Your calmness,

how can i not be lost?

In you…you are…

Lost where our eys flickers of hunger

and with so many questions to ask?

Im just happy to know

your mine and i am yours

The sky bears your name

The territory of your existance

And my awarness

I know you have piles of misery

I know things are not easy

I  will see them through with you

Im here, Ive got your back

 in this my love we are

We are the peace of calm.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Songbird VIP
Läst 23 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2024-09-04 08:21

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Songbird VIP