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masons / 93s

so since some time back

the night staff is abusive

physically too

this is again mostly a psyop

from dating back

all the way to 2022

to make me hate the night

they dont even respond

when i try to talk to them

if they do ever respond

they will sound aggressive

scream lie manipulate

exaggerate and eventually arrive at

"its not possible to converse with you"

wherein if i speak more at all

they will abuse you even more

even just abandoning you

with lights on window and

various cupboards open

blinds down not food for hours

not having been changed

with piss and shit on my sheets

(they often do this

otherwise as well)

and no actual sheet to

help me from freezing

yes, this is reality

its the same all over sweden

and western society

to a whole lot of people

because of their rampant drug abuse

which is easy to discover

if you just spend a few seconds

thinking and analyzing events

and their mode of conduct

and ever changing primitive

but at the same time nearly

indecypherable language

in hidden codes and cues

they are by definition

passive aggressive

actively aggressive

psychopaths bipolar

schitzophrenic hypersexual

autists without emotions nor empathy

who live in their own lala world

exempt from any form of reality

that is based on logic math

science nor from understanding

of any literature whatsoever

on the subject which they

imply they have omniscient knowledge of

that you are never allowed to question

in any way whatsoever and if you ever

dare to they will use snide comments like

"[this person is their] own doctor"

Övriga genrer (Kåseri) av Live2Dream VIP
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Publicerad 2024-09-18 04:29

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