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You mustn't take words
all too seriously.

They have meaning,
yes. They have power.

Please be advised,
use responsibly. But,

words are just playthings.
Like toys of worlds of children.

Be it plastic, rocks or sticks.
Not required.
Tools of the trade, never the essence.

Over there your kingdom lies,
over here is mine. Life and death.

After bedtime, by nightlight,
the story
stays the same. The toys just windows in.

For some time, the dream and concept
will remain. This story’s true creation.

Words are just playthings, made
as invitations to partake.

Words never did build
worlds alone. You did.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Krimskramstrams
Läst 12 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-11-15 04:08

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