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Glass Eye

morning fragrance

bad breath in a closed off dark dingy room

The sky, the welkin as they may

turned ever so slowly in color,

hauntingly beautiful,


with a sense of the end of days…

broken down to tiny images


shadows freak dancing in the moonlight

a new world is born,

a new version of hell…

the boys will still have pussy on their mind,

and women money on theirs,

somethings never change,

in hell…

politicians will still lie

and I will still smile

behind the smoke of my cigarette

thinking about our silly world

and our silly words

and sad small minded thoughts…

How to escape the prison?

When your body is the cell…

Fri vers av Alexander Gustafsson VIP
Läst 40 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-12-23 13:26

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Alexander Gustafsson
Alexander Gustafsson VIP