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what is a year to you?

Taunted by past ghost of greatness
I step on dew laden grass
on the hills of our departure…
a mere fool, in the game of life…
but you know,
I sway the wine bottle as well as anyone,
I dare you, to come into my space,
and leave the walls of my home,

meager food for souls forgotten…
they elect new tyrants under false promises,
promiscuous endeavors
to enrich such false hopes…
no burden to great for this lot…

as I stamp the words
into my soul
and weep
in mere silence…
I remember how beautiful the dawn can be,
not even the material minds
of this wicked race
and ever erase that

my smug smile
can’t be wiped off
by their tedious thoughts
crying for a voice
to lead them

lead yourselves you fools
or are the nightmare
within your own selves
to great for thee to overcome
like pigs in shit
always smiling
begging for the foot
to trample you once more…
I despise you all
I truly do…

they all celebrate the birth of a new year
hoping for things to get better
another false promise they cling to
to bare it…
to suffer through…
but nothing will get better, you know it is true
you are but children
in grown up clothes, living grown up lives, but what makes you children
is the fact you believe in children like lies…

I wounder how many will die this year?
How many will die in war this year?
How many will get sick
and how many will suffer immensely this year…
on this torturous rack
they call life…
you all believe in nothing,
nothing but dammed lies…
you all can’t be held responsible
that can only happen when you take responsibility
and like the man child you are
this will never be…
thus continuing on this misery…
the truth hits hard
like a boxer that lost the fight
cling to the ropes
absorbing punch after punch…
hoping that soon light will go off…
into the comfort of the emotional void darkness
the soul slowly begins to sink…

Happy new year?
No fucking way…
same crap as past year
with some extra crap thrown on top of it…
that is what is waiting for you,
me wishing you happy new year
won’t change that fact
so why wish it?

Fri vers av Alexander Gustafsson VIP
Läst 24 gånger
Publicerad 2025-01-01 11:09

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Alexander Gustafsson
Alexander Gustafsson VIP