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Footmassage and art. A triangular red brick building on Isle of Man, in Dubai and on Kamchatka. Welcome.

In this triangular red brick building on Isle of Man, in Dubai and on Kamchatka.

Some days the white Russian president came around to our nice gentil collective of creative souls based in this triangular red brick building on Isle of Man, in Dubai and on Kamchatka. If you wonder how all of these were connected the answer is: the answer is: the answer is: the answer is: the answer is: the answer is: the answer is: the answer is: the answer is: the answer is: it is a triangular red brick building on the Isle of Man, in Dubai and on Kamchatka but the white Russian president came here through our permanently hired room in Las Vegas where there is a portal that appears if you clean the toilet after having used it. So why do the white white Russian president come around to our place here on Isle of Man, in Dubai and on Kamchatka? He is here for the foot massage that lady Z gives with her well manicured fingers that we in the collective mostly enjoy when she peels the grapes for us (the grapes we get hold of here in the Island of Man, in Dubai and on Kamchatka are rubbish. They have such thick peel compared to the onez you get in our house in St Maxime, Brooklyn and Arvidsjaur.

Our creative missions have changed considerably since China and India took over all the nukes in the world, all the banana growing was moved to Texas, all the fish is now caught in Siberia, and all the milk is from Finland. Tesco is bankrupt but the new Angolan sumpermarche BlueGreen has taken over the distribution of all the consumer goods we need in the world. At first we thought that we could make a living out of making paintings, prints, installations, photos and performances but that was stopped by the remodelled post hyper reality mind of the contemporary man of our beautiful century. We wondered what we could do. People in the Western and long living population soon realized in the post hyper real world that minds could progress from our bodies. It was realized also that we had several spirits instead of one as the most of the world spread Middle East religions proposed. How it actually was some how more like the vodun belief of several souls. Note also that the English spirit comes from the Latin ‘espirit’, breath something because the westerners believed that the soul or spirit was connected to the breath while the soul was believed to be in the shadow (umbra) in Brazil, hm or was it Portugal? All was fucked up; the Internet warped up into thirty fourteen and a half dimension with pink fury corners. What we could do in this hyper post modern information warped warped society no one knew. Someone had saved a one dimensional
Print out from the long gone one-dimensional Internet under one of the wooden planks in the triangular house on Isle of Man, in Dubai and on Kamchatka. Well on this one dimensional print out it was telling us about foot massage on a one dimensional website called wikipedia.org Apparently this was supposed to be a really power full massage.: the foot massage. We tried it out and we seemed to do it quite well as it spread on its own through the warped now days internet to the people that was especially sensitive for having it but also paying us lots of money for it. We became the foot artists massaging the dictators and the world. Surely this was just a way for ourselves to gather up means for our own pursuit out into the unknown and new uncontrollable ground zero. As the Internet had warped into several new dimensions so also had all other information presentations such as books and journals. This more or less meant the death of the printed media as it became virtually impossible to read these hyper folded items of folded paper. Experiments were being done with Zen Buddhist monks from the inner parts of China that had for millennia believed that folding origami in increasingly advanced structures is a dark room where the left arm was supposed to be tied together with the left leg and the right arm with the left ear in order to reach an increasingly satisfying balance with the whole of the universe. Well heck no much sense in the world we have around us and our house on Isle of Man, in Dubai and on Kamchatka. Multiplying our perceptions of reality through the study of polydimensional internet and the damn hyper folded books we in some way felt that were approaching a stadium of balance on our bodies and minds that no one else hade felt in the future.

Prosa (Novell) av henrikhenrikhenrik3
Läst 639 gånger
Publicerad 2006-09-22 12:57

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