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Jga vet inte om detta är en låt eller bara en text. Den kom iallfall till under en två dagar lång bilresa. Jag var så trött på vägar, bilar osv.

On the road

Sitting in a car, on a road that never end’s
It just pretends to be a way to the goal
But it’s not.

After a while everything looks just the same.
The same sky, same stars, same cars and the same road
Wonder when it’s gonna end

It’s a vicious circle, that gone straight
Another way to decorate
Your brain, with those crazy thoughts
Some goes up, and some goes down
You don’t know we’re you going
And it paralyses you mind

Don’t leave me in the front seat, wondering of my past.

Will you reach that goal soon?
Nobody knows
Wonder when it’s gonna end
Nobody knows

Övriga genrer av bittle
Läst 304 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2006-10-28 01:41

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I love this one :)
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