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Jag skriver låtar ibland. Det spelar inte så stor roll om de blir tonsatta eller inte. Det kanske inte är så grammatiskt rätt heller, men det är svårt.

A fish.

Hiding behind shades
Playing a game
picking up spades
Who are you?
some kinda fraud
I can\'t belive,
you\'re telling me you\'re God.

And it doesn\'t matter what you\'ve got to say
Everybody\'s still taking it the wrong way
Hide and seek,
you\'re under the bed.
Stop living your life,
pretending you\'re dead.

Here you are, as you wished.
The present,the past,and fate on a dish.
A rather be a fish,fish,fish,fish
in a bowl.
Or simply nothing at all.
The end is near now
i\'m closer to the goal.

And it doesn\'t matter what you\'ve got to say
Everybody\'s still taking it the wrong way
Hide and seek,
you\'re under the bed.
Stop living your life,
pretending you\'re dead.

Then the nature finally got it\'s revenge
I don\'t mind warming the bench,
next to the bottles who keeps me cool
People are watching the world from above
from a grandstand like some other fool

And it doesn\'t matter what you\'ve got to say
Everybody\'s still taking it the wrong way
Hide and seek,
you\'re under the bed.
Stop living your life,
pretending you\'re dead.

Övriga genrer av bittle
Läst 290 gånger
Publicerad 2007-04-24 18:23

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