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How could you ever say that you loved me

This loneliness I never new,
Until the day you left me,
You left me in darkness so deep,
And sadness so huge.

With a funerals chiming echo,
I whish you hade warned me,
Of the tears made by loss and love
And of the pain you wished for me.

Forever I’m walking in darkness,
Together we held a candle,
A light to guide us home,
But with a fast release you ran away,
And left my deep within the darkest of places
You left me when I needed you the most.

So now I’am here in the place of loneliness,
I’m here alone and in morning holing my heart,
Wondering why it took the person I loved the most,
To make me shiver in pain and cry in torment.

Trust seemingly now a foreign feeling,
And love a universe away,
though you cut our bonds with a emotional bomb,
I still everyday in everything I do,
Wonder how you could say that you loved me to.

Fri vers av Christoffer Waye
Läst 181 gånger
Publicerad 2006-11-08 01:38

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Christoffer Waye
Christoffer Waye