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The Warmth of a Ressurection

A fiery blast, A inferno
Releases me from a frozen prison,
You set me free with a breath of life

My friends standing day and night,
Holding a frigid block of ice,
Trying to bring me back
Im alive, im free and the chilly depression has let go.

I feel free and happy,
A momentum of rushing feelings,
And flooding of laughter and love.

When my friends held my hand,
the carried my back to life,
The helped me back,
And set my burning flame alight.

In this glacier of life, trying to survive
A eternity alone, is like a fading candle
Trying to light up life’s huge voids of loneliness.
You need combined flame of your friends and loved ones,
To stay alive and warm.

My love and hatred are now evenly balanced,
Im nor on fire or a block of ice,
And im starting to feel love once more,
And to be able to share a moment of laughter,
With my friends once again

Fri vers av Christoffer Waye
Läst 267 gånger
Publicerad 2006-11-08 11:49

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Christoffer Waye
Christoffer Waye