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Love at first sight

I thought I knew love
Before I met you,

Though the day I held you in my arms,
I realized that im a infant,
Struggling to breath in the oceans of love.

We stood together and grew,
in our self’s as did our feelings.

But today i suddenly find my self alone,
And instead of loves floating feeling,
I feel shackles of grief weight me down,
And the feeling of loneliness that i have always known

And with the realisation of the sadness shackles might,
I now know that there is no such thing.

As love at first sight.

Fri vers av Christoffer Waye
Läst 328 gånger
Publicerad 2006-11-08 11:47

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Do you still believe that there is no such thing? ;) Beautiful poem Chris! :)
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Christoffer Waye
Christoffer Waye