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The answer is... Love

There where days I thought there was no hope,
There where times I thought my life was a Joke,
There where Nights I thought God was playing with me,
And I still don’t understand.

Why life can be this cruel,
Why does life have this twist,
Why life has a pain that never goes away.

Times when I was alone an you where out of sight,
those where the worst and I wonder still at night,
I wonder if I ever was together with you?
If you ever loved me to…

Why can life be this cruel,
Why does life have this twist,
Why life has a pain that never goes away.

When I hade you in my arms I was in heaven,
When I hear you breath next to me I could live,
I will think of you every day until the day ‘ill die
And a single question will haunt me though, and it is Why?

Why can life be this cruel,
Why does life have this twist
Why life has a pain that never goes away.

There are times I think of you as my true love,
There are days when I see you as nothing at all,
There are nights when I think of you,
And then I come to see, that I still want to know Why?

Why can life be this cruel
Why does life have this twist
Why life has a pain that never goes away.

I guess thou that the answer is…


Fri vers av Christoffer Waye
Läst 295 gånger
Publicerad 2006-11-08 11:52

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  Roger VIP

Ett par saker bara.
1. Läg inte in massor av texter på en gång. Det blir mer spam än poesi
2. Visst kan vi läsa engelska, men det finns ju poetbay xå... i alla fall jag föredrar svensk poesi på poeter.se
3. Det här är i all välmening och inget påhopp.

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Christoffer Waye
Christoffer Waye