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The Moon

The Moon is shining Like a Silver Galleon
In the pitch dark sky.
With twinkling stars as spots of light,
In the Seamless endless darkness.

A chilly wind in the winter’s night,
And the cold frost covering the once proud springs leaves.
Death seeming sitting gleaming in the far night,
With his faithful steed and chilly voice,
With his blade of ice, and eyes of glacier blue.
Hope seems to bee a distant memory
Without you

The Night is so dark, and my heart is still and dead
Like the frozen water in the lake,
Seemingly stopped in time,
And yet I seem to find warmth in this place of despair.
A beam of light, a well of love.

At first I think its a joke, the mind is playing its little tricks on me.
But, jet my eyes have nay stopped looking, hoping,
That one day i might see you again.
One day too hold you in my eyes and say
That i’m never letting you go.

Fri vers av Christoffer Waye
Läst 398 gånger
Publicerad 2005-01-25 20:15

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Christoffer Waye
Christoffer Waye