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Tears touched my eyes this night

I couldn\'t hold back,
looking back.
Nights of remembering your breaths in my hair.
The sweet smell of your parfume.
Closing my eyes,
trying to close my heart.

Heart\'s wide shut,
eyes opened without seeing.
Gone blind but am afraid to see again.
Loosing myself in a rollercoaster of regrets.
Regrets of not having the guts to see,
not having the guts to get heard.

Hearing but not listening.
One way communication, my head only goes one way.
Something\'s banging inside my chest.
Singing to my mind, singing to be heard.
But I can\'t hear, the lyrics are stuck inside my secret room.
Stuck deep, deep within.

Feelings struggeling to be heard, to be seen.
Never thought I\'d walk this road again,
but I am there now.
I am there again.. Still alone.
Walking my side of the road, seeing you on the other..

Waving at me.. Giving me your hand,
but I can\'t seem to reach it so I\'m just waving back, thinking that you might just see the stars in my eyes..
Lighting your path.

I can\'t reach you and you can\'t see..
...that it\'s me that lights your path.

We are both blind, both unable to see that we are reaching for each other.

Lets open our eyes, lets open them together.

Fri vers av Naomi Nottelling
Läst 564 gånger
Publicerad 2007-01-30 22:06

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mmm, så vacker... denna texten beskriver ganska bra något som hände igår. Jag dumpade en kille innan han hann dumpa mig, och känslorna är det inget fel på, det är bara det att han inte är redo. O jag är det.

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Naomi Nottelling
Naomi Nottelling