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Its Over , just get it

I can see the light from their Window .
It aint so hard to understand that the\'re
watching tv.
In the bakground, I can hear my own tv. I hear
the sound.
Are they watching the same program?
Are they laughing at the Jay Leno Show?
Of course they do.
Why should they sit like me on a hotell room and thinking?
Thinking of everything sad?
No one would do that.
Who wants to be depressed?
No one!
Everyone wants to be happy and perfect. Thats just fact!
But I just can\'t be.
I\'m just sitting here, in my chair ,
watching the the lightning window infront on me.
Writing down unusless things..
i also want a lightning window .
Wiht light colours and happy faces.
Instead of my dark colours and sad faces.
So please give me a lightning window

Fri vers av memyselfandI
Läst 186 gånger
Publicerad 2007-02-21 11:13

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