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I’m not here to entertain,
Not here to entertain,
I’m not here to entertain or speak in vain,
I want my words to soak your mind,
Like your coats soak in the rain,
I want you to feel it like pain,
That boils in my veins,
Uncoils in my brain,
And slowly formulates,
Into something that you’ll love or hate,
Something pure that you’ll react to,
Or something you’ll ignore,
Something you’ll explore,
What we’ve got words for,
So we can label,
Being able to deal with more,
Heal these soars,
And feel the floor beneath us,
To the core they reach us,
Beseeching others to understand,
What we can’t brand,
But try to explain,
The pain, the pleasure,
Suffering lasts forever,
Use these words as remedies when I’m working or at leisure,
Defending me to be me,
No pretending,
Real motion of the thought inside my head,
That brought me closer; don’t hide what I meant,
Emphasise what I meant,
Make it so evident, it can’t be indirect,
Try to master this art, check,
That sparked my heart, from my hearts start, respect,
The potential, devotion, affect your crew, explosion,
Affect you, implosion,
The notions, May be scary to handle,
Like Chemicals that induce corrosion,
But it varies, from words to word,
How they’re used, observe,
Millions ways to say,
Forget what you heard,
It’s a new world,
A new order,
With new boarders,
Expand infinitely,
Into the soul,
Gain control,
Of things you can’t hold,
The intangible,
Make it understandable,
There, but you can’t see,
Aware but you can’t reach,
You can teach,
And you can seek,
These masterpieces,
Painted by sound,
Surrounding, sky to ground,
And beyond,
Make the bond, draw the link,
To it all, Think,
Sink into the words,
Adjectives, every verb,
Every action, explanation,
A vocation,
Obsession, Expands your recollection,
Formulates your questions,
Learn ‘em like lessons,
The questions,
Advance into a new state,
With words you create,
Express, yes,
Lift the weight off your chest,
The presence, of free will,
The present,
That you can give to the present kids,
That don’t understand the potential power of this box,
Unlock with care,
Don’t stare directly into the light,
Its too bright,
It might smite you,
In ways you can’t tell,
You can’t spell,
So potent like the smell of fire,
Quench that desire,
Getting you higher,
Than the flames,
Can drive you insane,
Make you deranged,
Uncoils in my brain,
It boils in my veins,
Want you to feel it like pain,
I want my words to soak your mind,
Like your coats soak in the rain,
But remember,
I’m not here to entertain.

Fri vers av r!ja!
Läst 313 gånger
Publicerad 2007-03-05 15:57

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