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D va en tjej en gång som bad mig skriva en dikt till/om henne.. Eftersom ja inte kände henne alls, så blev d ju förstås ngt av en utmaning.. Resultatet blev en öppen dikt till alla er tjejer..

One for the Ladies

Can you show me who you are, what you think and how you feel.
Would you say your Heart is open, or protected by a seal.
If you Tell me I will listen, if you teach me I will learn.
What would bring you sadness and what would make it turn.
I don\'t know where you\'ve been, I don\'t know where you are.
I don\'t know where you\'re going, if you\'re following a star.
All the clouds are shifting, they change and so do we.
While looking in a mirror, can you Tell me what you see.
Are you a frightened little child, hiding from the world.
Perhaps a brave young women, that was once a little girl.
The past is left behind us, while the future lies ahead.
Tell me what you\'re dreaming, when you close your eyes in bed.
Are you haunted by nightmares, or blessed with pleasent dreams.
It\'s hard to Tell the differense when nothing\'s what it seems.
Just one final question, I should have asked you from the start
But now that we are here, would you let me read your Heart?

Fri vers av Mercurio_Montaque
Läst 358 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-07-27 20:27

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