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Love and Despair

She ended it and broke my heart
I love her and the pain is unbearable
Once together but now apart
My heart is damaged, but hopefully repairable

It\'s like I don\'t matter to her anymore
She lives her life like I never existed
At nigth I lay awake on the bedroom floor
My thoughts of her so painful and twisted

Will I ever get over this beauty
At this moment I am in serious doubt
Having trouble performing my duty
Having trouble deciphering what life is all about

Sometimes I drink to ease the pain
But drinking only makes me sadder
I clasp the bottle and drink in vain
It is time I brighten up and climb the ladder

I am drowning and noone\'s around to save me
She is dragging me down by my feet
I kick and beg but she won\'t hear my plea
In my dreams I hope to soon my maker meet

Fri vers av Jimmy Freiding
Läst 328 gånger
Publicerad 2007-08-22 11:17

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Jimmy Freiding