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Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia.

Anorexia Nervosa typically starts in teenage women as a normal attempt to diet but gradually leads to more and more weight loss, often more than 25% of original body weight. There is a great concern about food and body size, which may lead to compulsive exercising. The scales become the greatest enemy. When this happens, many normal activities may stop. Menstruation ceases in women and there are a number of physical symptoms such as lowered heart rate and low blood pressure.

People with anorexia nervosa are obsessed with food and dent that they have a problem or that they are too thin. It\'s virtually impossible to talk them out of dieting. They may be able to work or study and have some social life but usually function far below their capability. They are also often depressed. There are also some people with anorexia who starve themselves to death.
Others maintain a steady but seriously underweight condition. In all cases, even severe weight loss does not stop them from looking upon themselves as \"fat\".

Bulimia is a cycle of uncontrolled binge eating followed by purging through vomiting or the use of laxatives. Individuals with bulimia are often normal weight or even slightly overweight. Bulimia can be anything from a mild response to stress to a serious disorder that absorbs nearly all of a person\'s time, energy and money. In its most severe forms, binge eating and purging may occur ten or more times a day. Bulimia usually begins harmlessly as an attempt to control weight. Purging may seem to be an easy way for a person to overeat without gaining weight. It can quickly become a destructive process that cannot be controlled. Persons with bulimia are often aware that their eating patterns are abnormal and out of control and that their lives are dominated by their eating habits. They may feel guilty and depressed after a binge. Over time, the cycle becomes more and more dominant in the person\'s thoughts and behaviour. It may damage personal relationships and lead to depression, isolation, and lowered self-esteem. When a person is caught in this pattern, the resulting shame and sence of helplessness may make it difficult for the person to seek the help that is needed.

Prosa (Novell) av Sanna Trosell
Läst 527 gånger
Publicerad 2007-09-09 09:21

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Sanna Trosell
Sanna Trosell