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I can’t stand lizards

The sound did sound like sounds often sounds. It’s not the first time. You fell… took a little tremble down the cliff. With my apple. Can I have it back?
The fire still burning, you know. The dark sky isn’t that dark as it should be tonight. But never mind, the strawberries got a wonderful taste.
So high upon the highest mountains highs you possibly can get… there it truly is high.
My soup taste funny. Not your. Why don’t you come back to join me again?
Oh…right…you fell… pardon me. Policemen really are lacy.
I think I want to have my apple back. Yeah I do.
I like the sound of my body falling. I love apples.

Fri vers av Scar
Läst 293 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-09-11 21:14

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så himla bra!

min favorit.
lite surrealistiskt, lite galet, lite schizo...
på ett enbart bra sätt! :D
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