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Denna lilla text skrevs under en hemsk hjärtesorg. Men ur denna sorg kom en bra dikt.


What do you do when the world hates you? When nothing make you smile, and your life stops for a while? Honestly, I\'m sinking here

What made you feel this way? What went wrong? Was it me all along?

I have cried a million tears, screamed a million screams. My heart is bleeding, it all came back, my old fears.

How can I go on without you? You are my life, my love, my smile, my air.

I can\'t go on without you, how could I do that? When a day without you hurts like a thousand knifes?

I\'m sinking, my heart is a piece of what it used to be. Baby, please, come back to me.

Fri vers av lizaa
Läst 316 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-10-11 19:01

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