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Kapitel 2 av min (inte riktigt färdiga) novell.

Zombie Memoirs Kapitel 2

Chapter 2 Back to civilization

Samuel Connor 1972-08-12 – 2007-04-20.
So, I died in April, but what date is today? I need to find out, but I can’t walk around like this. I should find something to hide my face. But where can I find anything like that here by the church? I start to walk around the cemetery, looking for someplace where there might be clothes. Then it hits me, inside the church, in the back-room where the priests robes and things are, that would be a good place to start looking. I stumble over to the church, and in through the door. The church is empty, lucky me, I walk down the aisle and turn left, there’s the door, I feel the knob and it’s open! Upon entering the room I find exactly what I was looking for, a hat and a long black trench coat. Perfect. Now to find out what date it is. Lucky me again, there is a newspaper lying on a table. I look at the date, Friday the 23 of June. Right so if this is from yesterday, it should be Saturday today. That’s good, stores closed, not to much people out and about.

Now I need to find some kind of transportation, can’t really walk the 74 miles into town. Wow, I still have good memory. I walk out of the church, with my newfound hat on my head, or should I say half-head? Whatever. I look towards the parking lot, no cars. Well, since the cemetery and the church are empty it’s not surprising. Where might I find a car? There are no houses close by. I’ll just have to walk for a bit. When I finally get up to the road it strikes me, I can hitch a ride into town! But what if I smell? I can’t feel any smell, none at all. This may be a problem, lying in the ground for 2 months won’t make you smell like roses and sunshine. Oh well, nothing I can do about that right now anyway, I’ll just have to come up with some kind of story if anyone asks.

I stood by the road for about 20 minutes before any cars came by, then all of a sudden there was traffic all over, but none stopped, until a large semi came around the bend, I shove my stiff thumb into the air, and he slows down. Great, I walk up to the cab and opened the door “Hiiiii” What was this? I couldn’t stop the sound coming out of my mouth, it sounded slow and strange. Crap, how can I get out of this? “Hey there” The trucker said, “You need a ride?” “Yeeeeess, intooo tooown pleassssse” My god, I sound absolutely horrible! “Well hop in then” The trucker replied, with a weird expression on his face hopefully he thinks that I’m retarded or something. The way into town feels more than awkward, not a single word is said. When we finally pull over I let out a “Thaaaanksss” And hurry away. So, what now? I need to find out how I died, and the date. The library will probably be a good place to start, they keep records of newspapers for about 10 years back. I stumble towards the library, trying not to get noticed by anyone, must be Saturday or something because there is very little people around. I just hope that the library is open.

As I am walking past a small grocery store I realize that there is something that feels very odd about it, I just can’t figure out what. I’m compelled to go inside, but it is closed. When I turn to continue I notice a newspaper stand, it says Sunday May 13. Well now at least I know the date, on to the library.
I’m in luck, the library is open. I push the door open with my cold stiff hand, and waddle inside it is almost empty, except for a lone librarian sitting behind the desk. She looks about 25, perhaps 30, with thin glasses on her sharp nose, I get the feeling that she isn’t the social type. No computers visible, only the biggest collection of books that I have seen in my life, err, after-life. I don’t think that asking about it would be a good idea, since I can’t speak that good, better to just try to ignore her. When I’m walking past the desk I hear “Excuse me” I look towards her, trying not to meet her eyes. She looks at me with a frown and says “Can I help you?” With an insincere tone in her voice.
I look around with panic in my eyes, and feel a wave of relief when I see a notepad and a pen lying on the desk. I take the pen and quickly scribble down “I am a mute, would you mind showing me to a computer where I can check newspapers from a few months back?” I hand here the note and smile, she reads it and looks up at me and says “Follow me please” sounding overly pedagogic and perhaps a bit irritated. I follow her slowly, I can’t quite keep up with her. She moves fast, at least when the best you can do is stumble. She turns a sharp left and opens a door “Here you are, try to hurry up, I’m closing in 30 minutes.” I nod stiffly at her and walk through the door.
“Friday April 20th.

Yesterday a man was shot and killed outside Berkley’s Grocery store. Police report that there was a robbery that went wrong, and the man came in the way of the robber.”

Not much info to go on, and that was all I could find about it, so I guess that the robber never got caught. Now I start to feel angry again, who was he? Where can I find him? I want revenge! I storm out of the library and walk past the store again, when I suddenly realize that the odd feeling I got before was because this was the store, this was where I was shot. I could even see a dark spot where I must have been laying until the paramedics came. Perhaps the owner of the store could tell me more? I’ll probably have to wait until tomorrow though, when the store is open.

It’s only 1pm, I need to find some way to pass the time, since I can’t sleep. Maybe I should check out my old apartment, I’ve only been dead for about a month, perhaps no-one have cleaned it out yet, they probably have, but it’s worth a chance. I stumble around the city, trying to remember the way home, my memory is certainly selective, I remember stuff that is trivial at best, but not where I lived. Wait, I do remember, I live 10 minutes away, by car that is. Great, should take me the rest of the day to get there.

Fri vers av Da3DaLuZ
Läst 178 gånger
Publicerad 2008-06-11 20:21

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