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Had enough

Sitting down on the ground
Waiting for the train
The hour is late
This was something I used to hate

People around me are talking
Back and forth they are walking
And I’m asking myself
What are we all doing here?
Togetherness in waiting for the late train at 11 PM
Some children are screaming
And freazing
They’re shivering
And shaking
All the while I am just sitting here dreaming
Not fearing
My past
Not dreading
The future

And I may just envy those
Who are ignorant
Cause it is the fake and easy way to bliss

But I think we need to learn from the trees
Swaying in the harsh wind
Learn how to stand tall
By bending
And withstanding
All that is reality
We have to understand what needs to be changed
Without activism our lives don't mean shit to the trees
Or the stray dog across the street.

There's so much to be done
And so little time
I will not succumb
To apathy
Or malignant self-love
Or greed
Not while there are so many mouths to feed

It’s not philanthropy
Or charity
It’s just justice
You see

And underneath the cool but consistent wind
The resistance is on it's way
So watch out Halliburton
Watch out Nike
Watch out all you fucking corporations
We are an army willing to fight
For what we think is right
Questioning authority
Finding the cause of purgatory
And failing to accept that this world
Is the end of the story

And the CEO:s
And the WTO
Sitting high up in skyscrapers
Sorting their papers
Indifferent towards the human tragedies they create
Shrugging it off as if it was fate
As if it was just circumstance
Not even giving solidarity a second chance
Turning a blind eye to the chants
Of people screaming ”give peace a chance”

It’s time they all started caring
About more than if the stock exchange has gone up
Cuz the elevator has started working
And we have had enough

Fri vers av Alexander Chamberland
Läst 233 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-11 20:15

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Alexander Chamberland
Alexander Chamberland