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What my bright red heart told me

To make life easy you should live in a house with four thick brick walls
But I didn’t want that life
I didn’t want to protect myself
I didn’t want to be blind to what was happening around me
I didn’t want to hide.

So I tore down the bricks
And decided to build myself a glass house
Now everybody can see what’s going on
It’s just half an inch from the center of my heart
To the world outside
The darker it is around me
The easier it is to see inside
Because when darkness surrounds me
I just can’t shut up
I can’t hide from the horrible things that are happening outside

Like when I witness little birds fly
right into the glass walls of my house and die
It’s impossible for me to just sit on the couch and watch them fall

So I climb up to the top of my glass empire
I dive into crocodile-infested waters
Because I’ve never feared being eaten alive
I’m not staying in my house
I’ve got better things to do than survive

My bright red heart told me
That jumping is easy
And falling is fun
But it didn’t tell me that I have a body that will hit the sidewalk
Shivering and stunned.

Now the lesson I could have learned the first time I fell
Was to perfect the art of hiding my feelings, closing my eyes and being aloof
Making life into a boring chore
I could have joined forces with the great big army of ordinaries
But instead I got up
Found a piece of paper
And used my blood as ink for my pen
I made my blood into art

Some are afraid of seeing the world outside or showing what their own world is like inside
But I’m not afraid
Some are afraid of reaching emotional heights, afraid of falling
But I’ve fallen enough times to get rid of my fear of heights
Some are afraid of the great big ocean
But I know that the waves will hold me
Love conquers all
And I might as well drown if I’m proven wrong.

Fri vers av Alexander Chamberland
Läst 338 gånger
Publicerad 2008-08-13 14:08

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Alexander Chamberland
Alexander Chamberland